Pandemic Postcards
If you've been following my reviews of the quarter-finals, you'll know that I've been
Conversations with Myself
I thought I had it sorted.
I was going to have all of my intros for the quarter-finals written ahead
The Minibus of Despair
It's the quarter-finals, which means I can crack out the only piece of reusable content I have for
Zen and the Art of Instagram Scrolling
Lying on my back in Shavasana at yoga on Monday, I tried to work out whether I had entered a
This week I opened a can of butterbeans with my bare hands.
That is, without using a knife to flip
Sliding Doors
Harbouring dreams of redesigning it into a chic office space/yoga studio, we smashed to pieces the spare bedroom’s
Imperious Imperial
Just before Christmas I released a book which compiles my reviews of all the University Challenge Grand Finals since 2015.
New Year, New Le(niency)
Before we start I'm going to plug my latest eBook - a collection of Grand Final reviews from
University Challenge Time Machine
In 2015 I watched the movie Spy when it came out in the cinema. I remember laughing my head off,