In the past few weeks I've played more than two hundred games of chess.
I bought a chess
To Blog or Not To Blog, That Is The Question
Heavy are the hands that type these words.
It has been not seven days since I saw with mine own
Like Riding A Horse Into Battle
This is the story of how I became a knight (for approximately fifteen seconds).
My journey back from a lovely
Admitting I Was Wrong
Modern sports punditry, as with everything else in the modern news cycle, exists in a 24 cycle where there is
I've never downloaded TikTok, because I know for a fact that I would become horribly addicted to the
Hamilton (Again)
I few weeks ago I wrote about becoming obsessed with the soundtrack to the musical Hamilton. It was playing in
Humble Pie
One of my favourite daydreams is to imagine how well I would fare if I was placed in an elite
The Room Where It Happened
Call me late to the party, but in recent times I've been getting super into Hamilton. I know
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All of the articles and guides on how to build an audience say that the most important thing is consistency.
Leg Legg
On Friday I went to the doctor because I have a sore foot. Its been sore for about a year,