Leaving tomorrow for a hike to a hostel through the mountains. Need therefore to write this review rather than the day after on the day of. For some reason in the style of Sally Rooney's latest he's decided to do this. In an order so strange as to be unintelligible these sentences, like hers too, sometimes.
Watched Cloud Atlas at the weekend. Struggled to see the point of the structure, the connections other than the superficial between them. Remembered years ago the book, reading and thinking the same thing. Easier to see these connections in the film. Actors playing multiple characters. Souls transmuted across the stars.
What then, is the point of this inverted sentence structure, this stream-of-consciousness that Rooney writes. Suppose it is to reflect the mental state of the characters. The cluttered minds, overlapping thoughts, perhaps. In that sense, then, it works. Why, though, should I be writing this in that style, too?
Several attempts, in the past, to do similar things. Blogs in the style of Tenet, or Ducks, Newburyport. But the format without any inherent meaning, other than bland parody. Lacking something, meaning, maybe.
Thinks also, whether this style is recognisable enough to be noticed. Whether reading that book is something enough people will have done. Worrying about this to the detriment of the writing of the blog isn't worth it, he decides. The fact that it's a week late already damning enough. Incumbent on him now to write the blog.

Retaining that thought, then...
Here is your first starter for ten.
Returning for a sixth appearance six years after their last, SOAS went as far as the semi-finals in 2015. Going one better, St Edmund Hall reached the final in 2019, losing to Edinburgh.
Robbie Campbell Hewson's famous last-minute buzz of 54. A question, on the number which is made from the first three letters of the word Liverpool in Roman numerals, which would have been a lot easier after the advent of LIV golf.
Helmet the first answer, goes to Liu of Teddy Hall. Bonuses on the Bantu language family, two out of three. Cupid the second starter, to SOAS this time, and Dorn. Recognised a K-Pop song in the clue. Their bonuses on dance and choreography, more difficult, only one taken.
Another for Liu, Cantor, then the picture starter, flag of Latvia, won by SOAS skipper Hasler. Answer of St Kittis and Nevis ludicrously ruled out by Rajan. So close to St Kitts. Demonstration of knowledge well above the required bar, but no luck for SOAS.
Continuing an excellent performance, a third starter for Liu. They too, harshly punished, giving reise rather than reisen. On this occasion at least the question asked for six letter words. Bursey with Brasilia keeps Teddy Hall rolling, their lead forty points.
Combining for three in a row, Hasler and Dorn eliminate this lead and take it for their own, but last long this doesn't, and Liu it is who for Teddy Hall hits back. Helping out, Elkington for the Oxonians takes another and the lead once more is theirs.
On the starters back and forth the teams go. Lambert, Elkington, Hasler. Tight the game, high the tensions, running out the time. Second picture round, Liu again, above the minimum points to be high scoring losers Teddy Hall. Regardless of the result returning. With Sinn Fein, over the threshold SOAS too. Both back, no matter the victor.
Going early, guessing nectar not pollen, Hasler. What is carried on a bees legs? Pollen. Kicks himself, no doubt, but what's done is done. Sealed their fate with that answer, Hasler. Still, back again for the repechage, SOAS.
Score unreflective of the closeness of the match, gong sounds.
SOAS 155 - 195 Teddy Hall
Not sure, still, about the effectiveness of the stylistic conceit, a damp squib he fears. At best a damp squib. Still, the review written, and some fun had, by the writer at least.
Tomorrow sees the first of the play-offs, between UCL and St Andrews.
SOAS take on Durham a week later.
I'll try and come up with a better premise for those reviews.
Also - I'm on Bluesky if you want to join. I have 7 followers
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